sábado, 19 de abril de 2008


I've been feeling really tired at the end of the last days. I mean.. I guess that's normal when I have classes, waking up early and stuff, but.. for example yesterday, I woke up late... and I was nodding off at eleven and a half in the night. Sure, I went downtown and got back to me house by foot and played a little Wii in the afternoon, but still, I don't think it's enough activity to make me feel that tired so early.

Speaking of the Wii playing, both thursday and friday I hung out with some uni friends to play PS2 (on thursday) and both consoles yesterday. It was so much fun! :D I missed playing PS2 xD plus, it's nice to have a good time with people you can count on in this sort of stuff. That if they say "I'll go" then they will. I hope we can keep having fun outside the uni.

And today... man! I had such a disturbing dream!! I know I'll have it taped to my head all day long. ¬¬ *Sigh*

In other subject, I feel weird for another reason. There's no visible change yet, but a very, very, very important person to me is going to 'disappear' from our way to communicate for a while. Lenny-twin, if you're reading this, let me say to you, again ;_; how much I am going to miss you... we're twins for a reason! It's gonna be so weird opening msn on the nights and not finding you there.. *sigh* Lovu so much, you know that.

Chibi ♡

sábado, 12 de abril de 2008


I really haven't anything to say xD, or at least no stories I'd want to share.

Let's see.. I changed the design of this thing xD (orange-brown themed because of the fall), I uploaded
Curso Chico and... what else?

Took a few pictures with my new camera... I really have to get used to it! I gotta learn how to use it properly. I'd want to go out one day to take pictures, to try out all the options the camera has... take pictures of regular people, flowers, nature, friends or maybe myself. But to do that I need someone that loves photography as much as I do, or at least someone who likes to take pictures and get photographed.

I get scared with this camera. I don't want to get mugged. I even feared for my beloved tiny camera, I have more reasons to fear with this one. *Sigh* I have to be patient.

I have more things to do anyway. College doesn't wait, and neither do the tests.

Take care!