jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007


There was a time... which we could enjoy peacefully. I don't regret anything, I'm just saying, I'm nostalgic. Those idle afternoons, talking and talking, getting to know each other. How much time has passed by?

More than four years now.

With most of my best friends, it's been that long, even though we're so far in distance, we're so close in a matter of heart. Maybe we couldn't speak everyday, maybe sometimes you can't reach each other for a while, but it doesn't matter how much time has passed... if the friendship's real, it lasts.

Even before I was that hopeless fourteen-year-old, I can always count on someone. I'm sure some of the people I'm talking about won't read this entry, but anyway...

I guess I'm just saying thanks... for those who had given me their true feelings, their true friendship; a real piece of their hearts. They'll know I'm talking about them.

Take a lot of care, you all :)


PS: If some of my classmates or anyone thinks this is way too fluffy, smushy and stuff, then why are you reading it xD? I'm a romantic. Get used to it baby ;)

3 comentarios:

Cess007 dijo...

Ya know, most of the time i'm always unable to show any kind of affection. But between us, there's a different relationship.

To say that you're only "my friend", "true friend" or even "special friend" is something that just don't reach what i feel about you. You're by far more than that. You're since long time part of my family.

You're for me, something that can't be merely described by words now. All can i say, it's that i'm more than happy to be your friend.

Love you Twin~ n__n

Haruka_jeliel dijo...

"awwww" It´s just the word...

I belive in you ´cause you had been here always, even if we don´t have the time, I know I can write you and you know you can write me...

I hope you can belive and trust in me too.

I know... for somebody our relationship would be extrange, but for me is special.

Hawkeye dijo...

My english sucks ;O; i haven't practiced since... two years? X_x i miss my english classes u.u well that's not the point xD

I think we had a special connection n.n and we met when we supposed to, (seh creo ke asi se dice xD) You are the most special friend I ever had, and u know that you are more than a friend, you are my "little" xD sister, ;__; and I miss you like damn crazy T.T and I need you too =(

As you said, even when we can't talk to much as past years our friendship will last, and forever i think =)

Cya sis, love ya a lot =::.*

KIERO IR A CHILEEE!!! ;O;!!! sie otra vez -____- y ven tu tambien ;O;